Chapter 1
•1 in 3 American men and 1in 5 American women have no regular health care.
•college students face a variety of wellness challenges, from stress to sleep deprivation to unhealthy food options. But many students make healthy lifestyle choices and enjoy high level of wellness.
•Being smart about setting goals "SMART" specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time frame-specific.
chapter 2
• sleep occurs in two phases:rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep.
•Hatha yoga the most common yoga style practiced in the United States, emphasizes physical balance and breath control .
•the most important starting point for a successful stress-management plan is to learn to listen to your body.
Chapter 3
•maslows hierarchy of needs (balance of everything)
• A positive self-concept begins in infancy. The knowledge that he's loved and valued by his parents give this baby a solid basis for lifelong psychological health.
•college offers many antidotes to loneliness in the form of clubs and organized activities sports and just hanging out with friends.
Chapter 7
•examples of addictive behaviors- compulsive gambling , compulsive exercising,work addiction, sex and love addiction,compulsive buying or shopping , Internet addiction.
•In addition to being one of the most popular psychoactive drugs caffeine is one of the most ancient.
•Hallucinogens alter perception feelings and thought and may cause an altered sense of time, visual disturbances and mood changes.
Chapter 8
•there are also several medical treatments for alcoholism: disulfiram, naltrexone, injectable,acamprosate.
•2.8 million Americans age 12-17 are current tobacco users.
•high-tar cigarettes made up 93% of the domestic cigarette market in 2006.
Chapter 10
•cardiorespiratory Endurance Exercises- frequency,intensity, time (duration) type,the warm-up and cool down.
•Exercise program can be divided into three phases- beginning phase, progress phrase, maintenance phase.
•REST, ICE, COMPRESSION and elevation (RICE) are treatments for minor muscle and joint muscles.
Chapter 11
•calipers are used to perform skinfold measurements, which is a simple and inexpensive way to determine body fat levels.
•about 10% of infants and toddlers have BMIs above the normal range, as do 18% of teenagers.
•a 16 -ounce whole milk latte has 265 calories, and a 20 ounce bottle of regular soda has 227 calories. Beverages have a huge impact on calorie intake.
Chapter 16
•only 6% of rapist ever spend a day in jail for their offense.
•about 12,000 sexual harassment charges are filed with the EEOC each year.
•being a victim of teasing,bullying or rejection may lead to aggressive behavior or violence.